Things that make you go...HMMMMmmmm

Ok it is no BIG secret that I have turned 40. My daughter seems to take pride in reminding me daily...her latest question was "So Mom, when is it you start down the hill..." You know it really BITES to have a sassy daughter sometimes...I can't imagine WHO she takes after...probably the damn storks that dropped her on my doorstep almost 13 years ago...(smirk)
I had to think about how to respond to that question carefully because I knew too well this is an question/answer session that could very easily comeback to bite me later and NOT in a good way either!!! My response was "Well actually now that I am 40, I OWN the hill!" "I am QUEEN of the hill AND I won't go down it until I am good and ready"!!!
So with that being said, let me share 40 things I have learned ...
1. I am better at 40 then I was at 20.
2. I am so much more than what meets the eye.
3. I have learned to surround myself with great friends they will last your whole life!!!
4. You cannot control other people's behavior but you can control how you react to them!
5. You are gonna have rainy days and if you do, play in the rain.
6. Shit sandwiches...are just a part of life...confront it, spank it and move on.
7. Girl's weekends...are a MUST...
8. Live life to the fullest and with no regrets.
9. Laugh often.
10. Smile more often, you will feel better and it worries the hell out of everyone else...woohoo!
11, Confront your fears when you can, it will enpower you.
12. Start celebrating half bdays...more cake!!! :p
13. Hug freely and mean it...
14. Bubble baths are the bomb!!!
15. You are never too old to learn something new...
16. Pray often.

17. When things are tough...find the good in the bad situation...
18. Always tell the people you care about that you love them...don't be greedy with your love
19. My goddesses...I would be lost without them!
20. Dance when you feel like it...
21. It is NEVER too late to go back to school
22. Time...don't waste it.
23. Don't judge
24. Give with your heart...

25. NEVER drink ALL day with KELLY (giggling...just kidding)
26. Dream big
27. Love the skin your in...
28. Confidence opens doors
29. Be thankful...there is always someone in more dire straits than you
30. Icka bicka...words to live by
31. Build that bonfire...or regret it later (Chelle this one is for you girl!)
32. Lick em stick em tattoos are the way to go (especially if you get to pick who is lickin'...HA)
33. Eat dessert first...honestly it just makes sense people!
34. NEVER drink tequilla and lay out in the good will EVER come of this...
35. I LOVE my sattelite radio!!! (sorry that was random I know)
36. Chocolate should have its own food group

37. Never leave your destiny up to someone else
38. Take pictures...they really ARE worth 1,000 words
39. Believe in yourself
40. Live life to the fullest you only get one chance....
Ahh Palola ... you make 40 look fun and worth the wait! Your list is amazing ... except number 25. It should say ALWAYS, not NEVER!
Awww Kel...I am having a helluva time...WHO KNEW? Although I have to say having friends to share it with is the BEST part of it all....
You are soooo right ALWAYS drink with Kel she will ALWAYS have your back!!!
This is beeyooteeful! And with you wonderful women leading the way, 40 doesn't skeer me a bit.
Wonderful list!
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