Kiss This!!!

This is for all those people that I have encountered this week that are what I like to call fucktards. 1. They cannot be polite. 2. They won't let you merge into traffic 3. They go 5 mph while talking on their cell phone 4. They go down the parking lot aisle the wrong way and then flip you off because you were in their way 5. Telemarketers (enough said) 6. Parking space theif 7. Cashier that pops gum and gives you the fuck off look 8. Ex wives 9. DJs that cut off my fav song so they can talk... 10. Companies that have the automated phone systems that put you on hold and forfuckingget....I think I am making my point...
Bwa ha ha - your use of "fuck" as a verb, adjective, noun, dangling participle - you inspire me... I can tell you're a Grissom grad!!!
Love ya!
I am soooo glad I could inspire you!!!!!
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