Meeting up with my past....

Well this week has been hard on me guys. My ex who I will refer to as Satan from now on has taken it upon himself to become what I will term as a jailhouse lawyer. He has spent all his pathetic time in the law library laboring over how he can stick it to the man (and I guess in this case I am the man so to speak).
He thinks he has a copyright on his name and has decided that from all our legal proceedings to count up how many times I have used his name, which by the way, is a $500,000 fine per infraction. (oh stop laughing I am serious). So I now owe him, $1,147,500,000.00. I have received two legal packages from him within 2 weeks, the first one graciously gave me 72 hours to respond and since I didn't (imagine that) he sent a second one granting me 11 days.
Satan has said I am breach of our divorce contract, and should hand over my daughter to him basically. He has named Neal in one of the documents and brought my mother into it as well siting that I am not her real daughter but her adopted daughter. This first package was approximately 128 pages and the second was about 50. I realize what these documents are for but I can tell you all honestly I am not relishing his release in 6 weeks.
I have eaten a lot of shit sandwiches thanks to him. I truly believe that only through the grace of GOD and my friends I was able to swallow and not choke (laughing).
I worry for my daughter's sake, she has had such a peaceful existance these last 3 years...I worry that my mom is getting more paranoid as each day passes but I can gladly report I remain unafraid.
I am surrounded by strong, supportive friendships and a crazy family that when the going gets tough they do stick together.
I am asking that ya'll say a lil prayer here and there for us as the times are going to get trying. I am also starting back to school Tuesday...keep us in your prayers, know that if I am not around that I am thinking of you all and all the good times we have had...and they help me keep a smile on my face...
I love all of you and we need to get together soon...I could sure use some Jello Shots!!!!
Love and peace
Oh, honey, he sounds like he's a few fries short of a Happy Meal! You have restraining orders, correct? Are you going to be able to get together with us in April? We could all go piss on his tires!
Okay, this guy scares me. I'm sorry to hear he is doing this to you guys. Time for lunch? email and tell me when and where.
He will be in for a surprise when he discovers you cannot copyright your name just because you decided that. He may find some older guy out there with same name would take offense.
Jen I just love how you sum things are so right! I will still be getting together with ya'll in April. I wouldn't miss it! Hell let's just piss on him...(giggling) thanks for the laugh! Love you!
Cheryl I think one has to live in reality to be able to cope with it (giggling). I will email you this week to see about getting together for lunch...Love you!
Is he filing any of these in court anywhere? Becuase that actually would make your life easier. You just keep filing the same Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Cause of Action, and the Judge would just keep granting it. In fact, most judges would dismiss him sua sponte (e.g. on their own) because he's wasting the court's time.
This is not advice. This is just me stating what the law says. I sent you links to look up the Copyright Act, so you know that (1) a personal name does not fall within the subject matter of Copyright; (2) even if it did, you have to file a copy of the work of authorship with the Copyright Office within three months of first publication to be able to sue; and (3) you can't get punitive damages as a remedy for infringement, you only get back what you've actually lost as a result. He's creative, but even a jailhouse lawyer would know better. You must've divorced Bugs Bunny, cuz he's Loony Toons, I tells ya!
Ooh! I just thought of the PERFECT comeback!
Tell Satan that you and Neal have patented the penis as a "useful item" and that you demand that he stop using his immediately and return it to you.
When he tells you that you can't do that, remind him that impossibility never stopped him.
We're with ya, babe. Even if I can't be there physically to do lunch 'n stuff, know that I'm still there for you.
Love ya!
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