
Well, as most of you that are readers of my blog know Neal has been re-activated. His unit will be dealing with the aftermath left by Katrina and the new damage from Rita. He will be in LA somewhere but I don't know where yet. I guess with all the death and destruction that has come with the hurricanes I am reflecting on how truly blessed I am. I am a firm believer when I feel that my life isn't so great or the scales don't seem tipped in my favor...that there is someone out there less fortunate than me. So with that being said, I am thankful for all that I have especially my family and friends. As I see it, family and friends are truly a statement as to how rich we really are...and I must say "my cup runneth over..." I will try to remind myself in the future when I get the humdrums with my everyday life that I am blessed and count them right then and there. My heart goes out to the hurricane victims...and praying for their families, their losses, and blessing all those that have reached out in their time of need to help them. Sorry if this is a bit serious...but I think it is fitting for a Sunday post. Love ya'll
Hey Pammy -
I'm sorry Neal's been deployed again. How long do they think he'll be gone this time?
Love you bunches!
Kelly...thanks. At this point his orders read through 1 Oct but his last mission was only supposed to be for approx. 8 days and he was gone not sure...but at least a week...but I am sure it will be longer:)
Love you bunches too!
Sorry you have to be without him again!
Biscuit ty for that! Tomorrow will be our 3 year it makes a little harder for him to be gone this time.
I love you, Ms. Pam!
Back atcha Ms Sammie!
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