Counting my blessings at Thanksgiving (HNT #8)
I would like to tell you what I am thankful for through my eyes:

I am thankful for my family, the fact that they live close by and even though we put the "fun" in dysfunctional I know they love me 100%.
I am thankful that my daughter at 11 still likes to get in my lap and just be with me...she is amazing!
I am thankful that I have a husband that loves me just the way I am.
I am thankful for my crazy friends...who deepen my laugh lines daily...and who also love me just the way I am...
I am thankful that I laugh everyday even if it is at myself...

I am thankful that I will be able to "see" my family, "hear" their voices and laughter, "walk" up to greet them, "hold" them in a warm and familiar embrace....
I am thankful I have found peace in my life, understanding that I cannot make everyone happy, acceptance of things I cannot change, and faith in tomorrow and all the promise it brings!
Wishing all of you a very blessed Thanksgiving...
Peace and Love
Awwww...smooches to you, Ms.Pam!
Hope y'all had a wonderful thanksgiving. So glad Neal got to be home to enjoy it - and for you to have your family together for a change!
Love you lots! -Suz
Love the eyes. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Ty Sammie and back atcha...muuuuahhh!
Suz we did and yes I was very thankful for that too...! I hope yours was awesome as well!
Leesa ty and back atcha!
Don you say the sweetest time whisper them in my ear (woohoo)...Happy Turkey Day to you too!!!
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