Country Music Song of the Week...A tribute

Ok normally I focus on songs that are the equivalent of nails on the chalkboard to me or ones that amuse me...but today I was thinking of my Dad, he was a WWII vet and I was thinking of those we have lost in Iraq...sometimes we don't take enough time to thank those that serve and gave their time, energy, and dedication so that you and I can have the freedom to type in our blogs...also I want to thank Neal, my husband...for his dedication, and loyalty to his is something that runs deep in his veins and defines who he is and why I love him...
So take a minute to think about those that serve, have served and the ones that have fallen...also think of the sacrifice their families have made and how they must mourn those they have lost during this holiday season...light a candle and say a prayer...Thank you for all you do!
Once in a while, someone comes along.
That one in a million heart,
So pure and so strong.
They can face up to the tears.
And somehow still find a smile,
That we only get ev'ry once in a while.
Once in a while, someone has the eyes,
That one in a million look,
That never tells lies.
They can get you on your feet,
To walk that extra mile.
We only see ev'ry once in a while.
That's why we call them heroes.
That's why we know their names,
And once you've heard their stories,
You're never quite the same.
That's why we call them heroes.
The best thing they ever do,
Is to point to the best in us all,
And say: "If I can, you can too."
Once in a while, I still hear his voice.
That one in a million sound,
Like two laughin' boys.
He would hate it if we cried,
That never was his style.
Oh, we still miss him ev'ry once in a while.
Instrumental break.
They can face up to the tears.
And somehow still find a smile,
That we only get ev'ry once in a while.
Oh, how I him ev'ry once in a while. lyrics websites.
© 2005 John D. Lewis and Dawn M. Lewis.
Disclaimer and Guidelines.
very cool. thanks.
Very awesome, Palola. Inspired me to write about my cousin.
Got a suggestion for this week, luv:
He thinks he'll keep her, by Mary Chapin Carpenter.
Suz you are sooo right...I may start early this week...I have been lacking inspiration lately but I think you pointed me in a good direction...Wed will be Mary Chapin Carpenter...Thanks
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