Rant of the Day...oh yeah LOLA is chapped!

So I am at work, k? I am in a pretty decent mood to be at work AND working...(smirking)...and I get a "ding" (aka You've Got Mail kind of thing)...and I have an email from a co-worker. I got her job when she moved to a new position.
So she basically says, here is this email from Mr. Blah blah Whogivesashit...and I no longer have his number. Can you please email him and ask him to remove me from his mailing list as this is no longer one of my required work objectives.
Well you can only imagine the look on Lola's face as she re-reads, yes re-reads, this message....I am sure I had a kodak WTF look on my face I am sure.
Let me break this down as I did to her. Basically, in the time she took to email me, she could have taken care of this handy little task herself. I did however REFRAIN from asking to see the obviously large pair of balls she seems to be concealing...from all of us!!! I didn't know Mr. Blahblah Whogivesashit and the message he was sending DID in fact pertain to her current objectives...
What we are having here is a failure to communicate!!! ughh...She obviously has mistaken me for someone doesn't think outta the box...hell they cannot keep me in it!!!
Ok nuff said...I am done:) Hope everyone is havin' a great day!
And you didn't rant to my cell phone why?
Yeah I thought about that...but ohhhh what a night it has been...trust me I will be giving you a ringy dingy this week for sure!!! OMG so many rants and so little time...
What a beyotch! Guess you'll have plenty of steam to blow off this weekend, huh?
OMG! Don't you hate people like that?!
Sounds like you need a break. Maybe you should go to a weekend-long party?
JY - Oh yeah I am ready to blow off some steam (giggle).
Kel - Gee! Wonder where I could find that kind of party?
SOOOOOO, whatdja do?
In a polite way, I told her to bite my ass and made her like the idea:)
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