Saturday, January 21, 2006

Away from my blog for awhile

Well, it has been a while. About 2 weeks ago, I got a call in the middle of the night from my mom fearing she was having a heart attack. So, I only 10 minutes from her (for this reason), I hopped in my car and was on my way over there when I saw the EMTs also on the way to her house. I knew she must really be freaked to have dialed 911.

An ambulance from Hsv Hospital came and got her and I was to follow behind once I locked up etc. I usually don't call anyone in the family until I am sure what is going on but this did appear to be serious...all the same symptoms as when she had her last heart attack.

I called my sister first since she lives about the same distance from mom as I do. Of course, no answer. I called 4 more times and left a voice message and then I stopped at her place on the way...she finally came to the door and was like ok...and closed the door on me.

I then tried my brother who lives 45 minutes away. I got no answer at all which is odd since their answering machine usually picks I went on to the hospital.

When I got there they wouldn't let me go back right away so I had to sit in the waiting room and wait...Do you know, there are some freaky people in the hospital at 2:00 am.

I finally went up to the desk and they were going to let me go back when my sister showed up! I was shocked...she even stayed with me the whole night! I have never had anyone sit up there with me before. It was nice actually to have the company as mom was hopped up on demerol and either talkin' smack or sleepin.

Mom wound up stayin in the emergency room until 4:00 pm the next day because the hospital didn't have any beds available! (I am thinkin' damn this would be a good place for a hospital or something)...they had 27 people waiting for beds! Well, during this wait, I told my sister we should get some rest (this was around 9:00 am) and come back later as mom was sleeping. So we got breakfast and headed home...I tried to sleep but didn't do a great job of it...for some reason I can never sleep well during the day...not much of a napper. At this point, I tried my brother again and finally got through...they had left their computer up all night with the internet running so their phone just rang and rang...they told me they would be up to see her.

I can see this is beginning to look like an epic poem or to make the short of this....I got a good dose of family! I have an 82 year old aunt who cannot drive that my mom takes shopping....of course, she is sick with a cold and wants someone to go to the store for her. My brother says he will but he isn't sure when, so I ask my sister and hell you would think I asked her to pay off my car or something...she is just too busy...and she claimed my aunt has a support system at the building she lives in...I am like WTF....a bunch of elderly people that can't drive!!!

No ONE came to stay with my mom over the weekend...she got a call from my brother but no one came...hell my sister didn't call til Monday and she had already gotten home.

I had to cancel my trip to Atlanta I had been planning for 2 months...and I guess what gripes me is that was ok with them!

I was told I worry too much...but you know one minute someone you love is here and the next they are gone...

Ok I am done bitching...


Blogger Siren said...

YIPES! What an ordeal! Glad your mom is doing better, but I am sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad your mom has you. You're a good daughter.

I am glad you are back. I miss you when you're not a regular part of my world.

8:35 AM, January 21, 2006  
Blogger Pam said...

Suz thanks...I just needed a place to vent...and let it go...if I didn't let it go I would just be pissy about it forever...

I have missed ya'll too!!! love you

9:14 AM, January 21, 2006  
Blogger KellyKline said...

So what was her diagnosis? You are right about the people you love being here one minute and gone the next ... cherish the moments with your mom, love.

BTW, you said you're not much of a napper ... I have some photos from Klineapalooza that prove otherwise!

10:23 AM, January 21, 2006  
Blogger Pam said...

Kel...yeah I napped at Kline-a-pa-looza because ummm alcohol has that affect on me sometimes and ohhh stayin' up past my bedtime (smirk)...

Well when you can't figure out what is wrong...when all else fails, blame it on gas (hahaha)...Honestly that is what they are sayin, they did a cath on her and found nothing also did an ultrasound...she doesn't eat right and smokes wayyyyy too much so those 2 things are not helpin' her at all...

11:27 AM, January 21, 2006  
Blogger Biscuit said...

Cripes, your family needs a thump on the forehead! Sorry you have had so much to deal with Sweetie!

4:01 PM, January 21, 2006  
Blogger thehipster said...

Does your Mom take Celebrex? Many heart patients take if for arthritis and it can cause heart problems. My father spent two monthes in and out of the hospital and many tests later with no diagnoses. That's when they figured it out.

I don't know your brother and I haven't seen your sister in years, but I would willing to bop her over the head for you. Always feel free to vent. Sometimes you just gotta.

6:38 PM, January 21, 2006  
Blogger Samantha Alice said...

It always falls on theone who cares the most to handle everything. Sorry, Baby. You know you can call us and we'll come sit with you at 2AM - you're never alone.

Just absolutely sucks that someone as loving and giving as you can't get any support from her siblings.

8:40 AM, January 22, 2006  
Blogger Suthnuh said...

I'm glad your mom's home now. Was it just some form of angina? My mother went through that a while back, you are lucky to be in such proximity to her. Hope she's doing well now. And hope you are too. You're right about here today, gone the next. Too many people forget that.

10:36 AM, January 22, 2006  
Blogger Biscuit said...

Oh, Palooooooooooola, I have a little monkey gift for you at my blog!

8:40 AM, January 26, 2006  
Blogger Pam said...

For the record, my brother did help me he just didn't think I needed to be at the hospital as much as I was...

7:41 AM, January 27, 2006  

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