What Lola hates...

Ok...I stole this from Kelly's blog...(aka the keeper of sanity)...so here are the things according to google I hate:
1. Lola hates partying. Where DO they get this stuff...OMG someone needs to lay off the hooch or share!
2. Lola hates being surrounded by many people. Well this is a bit on the true side, I like smaller more "intimate" gatherings.
3. Lola hates the P word. Hmmm maybe I do, and maybe I don't...(wink)
4. Lola hates it when I just talk in general...Yeah I cause all I hear is blah blah blah...get to the "meat" of the story! (evil smirk)
5. Lola hates me because I am more mexican than her. As much Mexican food as I consume, I should get the dang key to Mexico and have my name changed to Consuela Lopez Martinez Sanchez Bananahammock...I'm just sayin'
6. Lola hates Seinfeld. Well that is a bit harsh...I just am annoyed that it is a show about nothing...almost mirrors my life dammit AND he is getting paid for it!
7. Lola hates the negative energies one may bring to work. Yeah damn skippy keep your unhappy ass to yourself or I got a voodoo doll with your name on it!
8. Lola hates a coward. Who doesn't? There is only room for one scaredy cat so get the hell outta my hiding place...k?
9. Lola hates her jumping on him...Yeah why does "her" get all the action?
10. Lola hates doing the Kung Fu...she prefers the Pammy Fu any day!
This was kinda fun...so just DO IT already!
OMG, this is too funny - I just may have to do this... lemme see if I can dredge myself outta this mallaise and post....nah,probably not...dontcha just hate that???
OMG, Pammie, you crack me up! Can't wait to see you and hug your monkey-lovin'self!
Biscuit...I am now counting the days til we all get to be together...it is gonna be AWESOME!
Sammie...come on...come play with us;)!!!
Yeah Pammy played! Whooohooo!
You're so damn funny I had to come back and read again.
Kel- well you know I was simply put here for entertainment purposes! (giggling)
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