Some serious Quirks...My Top 20
With this most serious of posts, I am posting a SERIOUS picture of you will completely relate to my quirky self here you go...for those of you that know probably already have a longer list than I am providing here (so shush!!!)
1. I don't like beer or eating something and drinking beer as your beverage of choice (ummm ewww)
2. I seem to have a God given talent to make people laugh until they pee their pants, spit their drink out or it shoots out their nose (and I just don't understand because I am usually being serious..hahahaha).
3. I AM a freak magnet...just watch and learn sometime. (I really am the flypaper for freaks)
4. I have a fetish for microphones and intercoms.
5. I cannot deal with ANYTHING surgery channel gross (I am posting this for certain people and you KNOW who you ARE)
6. I can play a straw (I would just have to show you...)
7. I like to dance in the rain...well who am I kiddin' I pretty much will break into dance or song anywhere (it goes back to 4)
8. Don't let 4 and 7 confuse you into thinking that I can sing...cause I really can't but I AM a legend in my own mind
9. The majority of my friends are artistic in some way but I do not have ANY talent...well except for 6 and NO I DO NOT consider 3 a talent and I am not sure 2 is a talent one should brag about since it involves expelling bodily fluids although it would be fun to video and put on uTube.
10. I am a closet Fanilow. (Barry Manilow fan...yeah I know...shut up...I did say quirky)
11. I am addicted to my iPod take it everywhere.
12. I am adopted and have NO DESIRE to look up anyone biologically linked to me, skip down to 20 to see a perk on this fact (seems to really bother some peeps)
13. I am really sad that no one has ever bought me a Mr. Microphone (refer to 4)
14. I have an irrational fear of heights (get PASSOUT dizzy just looking down from the top of a flight of stairs)
15. My feet...just an FYI they are so ticklish...I don't even like people looking at them (and for those of you that get the idea it would be FUNNY to tickle them....ummm when I say ticklish...I mean pee my pants unless you want to be grouped in 3...just don't go there my new ex friend - giggling)
16. Love vampire movies...even the really bad ones...completely addicted
17. I have to watch scarey movies with the lights on. I know I am such a girl! (Bite me, k?)
18. I don't like to read things that have things on them that I can't read (Just ask Tish AND Jeanette about this one...and I was sober when I made this enlightening statement)
19. I am the most ungraceful person you will meet...just put me in a pair of heels and sit back and enjoy the show... OMG
and FINALLY...
20. Since I am adopted, I like to change my heritage usually on a weekly basis...unless I find one that is just too interesting...currently I have decided I am cajun...and have been for weeks now (giggling Tish understands)
Well I hope you found this to be helpful :-p
To be continued.....or confused