Ok, it has been a while since I have blogged...I have just had every BIT of creative juice sucked outta me (get your minds outta the gutter ya' freaks) with class and work...
So here I am on Hump Day thinking WTF? Yep that is what I am thinkin'...don't you feel EVER so much better knowing that...???
Where is everybody? You all never write, or call or send flowers...(Sigh)...hang on, I need to go to my dark place...
Ok, cyber hugs and kisses to you all...
Having been to the "dark place" a few times lately I can sympthasize. Just to let you know that people still care -- I'm here.
I've been wondering where you were. I haven't posted much either though. I hope everything is going well. Hugs.
Oh honey, I'm in the dark place so often, I really should pay rent. You can be my neighbor :) We'll have tea and talk dark talk and cry on each other's shoulders. Sounds like fun, eh?
I kinda like my dark place... especially if Don's there with me...
Not that dark place? REALLY? I thought you were just kidding. How often are we not to nasty stuff? Who'd'a thunk it?
I love you, girl, and have been missing you...
So glad you popped your head up outta that hidey hole you've got. Been missing you.
Love you!
v-word="glbpqij" which doesn't mean anything, it's just kind of interestingly symetrical.
Dark talk? *Dirty* dark talk?! Hold on, lemme get my voice recorder ...
Where'd you go, girl?
I get there sometimes, feel like I have nothing creative to write....dark places are good sometimes :)
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