Friday, May 19, 2006

Think of me...

~when the warmth of sun caresses your face.

~when a gentle breeze whispers softly in your ear.

~when a shimmering raindrop falls from the sky.

~when the leaves rustle around you as you walk.

~when the stars shine above you in a midnight sky.

~when the fragrance of jasmine fills the air.

~when a rainbow brings promise from stormy skies.

~when you see a bird soaring freely in the air.

~when you hear laughter spiraling through a room.

~as you smell just a hint of my favorite perfume.

Though I am not with you, I am truly everywhere...surrounding you with all my favorite things...think of me and I am there.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Ok, it has been a while since I have blogged...I have just had every BIT of creative juice sucked outta me (get your minds outta the gutter ya' freaks) with class and work...

So here I am on Hump Day thinking WTF? Yep that is what I am thinkin'...don't you feel EVER so much better knowing that...???

Where is everybody? You all never write, or call or send flowers...(Sigh)...hang on, I need to go to my dark place...


Ok, cyber hugs and kisses to you all...

