Ok these are questions that I think about and things that will make you go Hmmm...
1. Why is it when someone gets something that tastes bad, they say something like"Ewww this tastes like shit, you taste it." WTF? Now why would I want to taste something that you already deemed tasted like shit? BTW, Neal is notorious for this tactic...
2. Why is it when I am lost (like that ever happens) and I am looking around, I have to turn the radio down to see better?
3. Why is it when I need to hear something, I squint?
4. Why is it when you tell someone your sad story or in my case when I had to go to the "assologist" they always say "Well Bless your Heart"? Never here them say...here is an ass cushion...or lemme get ya a Margeritasoyoucanforgetyourassisahumankleenexbox...
5. Why is it people ask you the obvious? Like you are standing at the door marked "Exit" and they say are you leaving? I feel like sayin' "No I am waiting for the mother ship"...
6. Why is it my neighbor asks to borrow some bread? Like I would want it back when she is done...uggghhhh...
7. Why is it a man will stop at your desk and his "hoo-hoo" is at umm eye level...and then proceed to move his package around? WTF?
Ok....I guess I am done with this for the moment....