Life is too short...

You know I was just sitting here thinking about people who have time to belittle other people, but don't have the time to have a conversation with their children or give them a hug...(they suck ass and just need to piss off)
A long time ago (it seems a lifetime ago), I was in an unhappy marriage, walking on eggshells...constantly filtering my thoughts, flying through life like my ass was on fire...dreading each new day and the horror of a marriage I lived in...
So with that being said PEOPLE get over yourselves...!!! Take time to visit with your friends, leave them with a them...real friends are always there for you...
Laugh DOES burn calories...I read that somewhere on the internet so it MUST be true!!!
Eat chocolate screw the consequences!
Enjoy "Shockvalue" when you can...or if you dare!
Play with your kids...they are going to grow up too fast!!!
Breaking a rule I grew up to strangers....they are interesting...
Be kind to people less fortunate than you...they may be the hand that reaches out to help you someday...
Get some sun when ya can!
Walk in the grass barefoot...or sand...yeah both are great!
Give yourself in a hug!
Smile....the benefits are limitless...especially if you are havin' a bad day people will be wonderin' what the fuck you have to smile about...well worth it!!! (giggling)
Find the good in bad situations...this preserves sanity (like I ever hand any)
Don't ever give yourself the opportunity to look back as ask yourself "What if.."
Just say no to the shit don't always have to take a bite when it comes around...
Be happy and love yourself...everything else will fall into place....
Peace and Love